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2024 CoC-Funded Permanent Housing Programs


All CoC-funded housing programs participate in Coordinated Entry. This process is to ensure that those most in need receive scarce resources first and helps promote more equitable access to resources and more equitable outcomes for persons that are part of marginalized communities.


All CoC-funded housing programs align with a "Housing First" approach, to remove barriers to program entry, use a screen in, not a screen out approach, and best creates opportunities for those most vulnerable in a person-centered way. 

All Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) programs offer housing subsidies and ongoing case management and are dedicated to those experiencing chronically homeless, which includes those living on the street or in shelter for 12 months or more and someone with a permanent disability. 


In 2023, the CoC referred over 200 long-term homeless households, victims of domestic violence, and youth to rapid rehousing, and more than 50 chronically homeless households to PSH (40 single adults and 10 families). Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV) were also through Coordinated Entry, where over 400 households were referred for permanent housing vouchers. 


Nassau County Permanent Supportive Housing Programs for Chronically Homeless Households (9):

Catholic Charities operates two PSH programs that serve chronically homeless families and single adults

Options for Community Living operates two PSH that serve chronically homeless families and single adults, some beds require mental health

SAIL operates one PSH program that serves chronically homeless single adults, SPA required

FREE operates one PSH program that serves chronically homeless single adults

Concern for Independent Living- operates 1 PSH project serving chronically homeless single adults

Circulo de la Hispandidad operates one PSH program that serves chronically homeless single adults and families

HELP USA operates one PSH program that serves chronically homeless families

Mental Health Association of Nassau County operates one PSH program that serves chronically homeless single adults


Suffolk County Permanent Supportive Housing Programs for Chronically Homeless Households (8):

Concern for Independent Living operates 2 PSH programs serving chronically homeless single adults and families, SPA required

FREE operates one PSH program that serves chronically homeless single adults and families

Suburban operates one PSH program serving chronically homeless families

United Veterans Beacon House operates two PSH programs serving chronically homeless single adults and families

Association for Mental Health and Wellness operates one PSH serving chronically homeless single adults

TSLI operates one PSH serving chronically homeless single adults, SPA required


Nassau County Rapid Rehousing Programs Targeted to Serve Long-Term Homeless Families (2):

SUS operates one RRH program serving long-term homeless families and single adults

Options for Community Living operates one RRH serving long-term homeless families and single adults


Suffolk County Rapid Rehousing Programs Targeted to Serve Long-Term Homeless Families (3):

FSL operates one RRH program serving long-term homeless families and single adults

EOC of Suffolk operates two RRH programs serving long-term homeless families and single adults

SUS operates one RRH program serving long-term homeless families and single adults


Rapid Rehousing Programs for Households Actively Fleeing Domestic Violence (4):

The Safe Center LI operates one RRH program for victims of domestic violence

Circulo de la Hispanidad operates a RRH program for victims of domestic violence

Brighter Tomorrows operates one RRH program for victims of domestic violence

SEPA Mujer  operates one RRH program for victims of domestic violence


Rapid Rehousing Programs for Youth (1):

Hope For Youth operates one TH-RRH program for youth

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