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CES Referral and Housing Placement

Coordinated Entry System clients (chronically homeless single adults) are matched to available permanent housing programs based on their eligibility and housing preferences, in order of length of time homeless and consideration for vulnerability and specific service needs (dynamic prioritization). 

Client referrals are made by the Coordinated Entry System Manager, in which client information and any documents needed to confirm program eligibility are transferred directly through Homeless Management Information System (secure database). The Coordinated Entry System Manager and permanent housing intake staff coordinate intakes, appointments, and move in dates. The goal being to move people into permanent housing as quickly as possible by removing as many barriers to entry as possible such as being screened out because of income, active alcohol/substance use, criminal history or by mandating services.

CES staff may be able provide transition to intakes and move ins and provides case management for up to 90 days as a client moves into new housing. This involves a connection to community resources, orientation to a new community, and obtaining housewares and personal items for a new unit. Housing retention is often influenced positively by whether a person views their unit as a home and many clients may not have additional money for things like cleaning supplies, kitchen ware, bedding and furniture, etc.

LICH has connected approximately 700 homeless households to permanent housing in the last year, through rapid rehousing, emergency housing vouchers, and permanent supportive housing.​


Access to housing is never guaranteed and is based on eligibility, policies on how housing placements are prioritized, and availability/turnover in existing housing programs. Households should pursue all viable housing options, even when they are on a waitlist to be prioritized for referral to housing through LICH. 

About 200 families that had been homeless longer than one year are placed in housing through rapid rehousing programs each year.

About 50 chronically homeless households are placed in permanent supportive housing programs each year.

About 450 households were referred for Emergency Housing Vouchers the last year.

Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV) have been issued to approximately 450 homeless households throughout Suffolk County and Nassau County. This voucher program was funded by HUD as part of COVID-19 emergency response to exit households out of shelters, and homelessness at large, where people are at higher risk of exposure to COVID-19. This application process is now closed. If households have been issued EHVs and have questions about the process, please contact Rose at: 

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